Saturday 5 October 2013

Seventh Time Lucky

I have adventured to Lucky 7 a grand total of seven times, but inexplicably not managed to get it together enough to write about it. Ok I might be taking a wee bit of poetic license here. It's only six, but in context, that's more than any other breakfast joint in the world.
I should tell you straight off the bat that the reason I haven't waxed lyrical about it until now is not because it's a wrong 'un. Completely the opposite. It's simply because every time I have been there, it's been with friends as part of a lovely days ramble through Nottinghill from which I normally return sleepy and content and take a gigantic nap, only waking up in time for Strictly (I'm not going to lie, pub pit stops might also have been involved).
What I am trying to say in a clumsy way is that Lucky 7 is a cracking way to start your Saturday. Although I haven't done this personally (that's my story and I am sticking to it), I reckon it would also be a brilliant way to end a very Good Friday night too.
It's no secret that I love American Breakfasts or that I am obsessed with 50's style diners. I blame John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. And the fact that diners were in short supply in Zimbabwe where I grew up. So effectively for a Zimbo kid, Lucky 7 is Disneyland. With eggs.
But I digress and in the interests of making sure this actually gets posted, I'll keep this short and sweet: 
Seven things you should know about Lucky Seven

#1 It's miniscule and by 11 it's rammed, so if you're not a morning person and prefer your coffee in solitude and don't like breakfast speed dating, get there early or with a group big enough to fill a whole booth
#2 Screw that. Early on Saturdays is for joggers - embrace the 7's booth sharing policy and go when your stomach can handle a feast. You never know who you will scooch over for. Rumour has it Jude Law goes there.
#3 The loo is downstairs and if you, like me, are a glutton for coffee, make sure you sit on the outside of the booth otherwise you'll annoy Jude Law having to get up all the time for you.
#4 All the food is Fanbloodytastic. And I mean ALL of it. But if I had to choose...
#5 For a sweet tooth day - the Buttermilk Pancake maple syrupy goodness hands down. For hangover or bigass hunger days it has to be the Breakfast Burrito crammed full of scrambled eggs, black beans, salsa, guacamole and either bacon or chorizo (choose the chorizo, choose the chorizo!). Or you could have the flat version of the same - their spicy Heuvos Rancheros feast.
# 6 The menu calls coffee 'Cwoffee'. And they don't seem to get annoyed if you insist on ordering everything in a stupid faux accent
# 7 The staff and owner rock. And it might be because Jude Law is sitting at your table, but even though the service is speedy and the queue out the door massive, you never ever feel rushed.

After all that I have officially made my self hungry. I am off for a seventh time lucky Cwoffee...

Pictures are by my extremely talented friend LondonMeliss

Lucky 7
127 Westbourne Park Road 
W2 5QL
How to Get There
Website and Menu


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